“Politics cannot be solved because humanity cannot be solved.”

Nailed it. Humans have a will to herd. To fix politics we’d have to fix humanity. We’d have to fix Darwinism.

“Revolution is not, as commonly believed, the replacement of a ruling class, or of political institutions. Revolutions are the rearrangement of alliances between ruling classes.”

Reminds me of Burnham’s The Machiavellians. Seems correct to me, yet I’m not sure I would call these power transfers revolutions, as traditional revolutions are violent and involve bloody uprisings against the ruling class.

As for Science, it’s glorious. It’s just that it has been politicized by the wrong people (our modern state) and therefore defiled. Could it be that it has simply entered the wrong hands and that it is not the problem in itself?

Solid piece. Just a few technical details I wanted to bring up.

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And reasonable details to bring up they are.

There’s all the difference in the world between using empirical data to uncover truths about the natural world - scientific inquiry - and Science! (Long may it be Fucking Loved) the Official line that emerges from the Academic- Media Axis.

The French Revolution was a new alliance - the bourgeoisie and Reason, the Enlightenment Goddess - overthrowing the old alliance of Altar and Sword. Not one but two ruling classes lost power.

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You know it.

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I do not recall how I found you. But I am hooked on your writing and have been binge reading your Substack and blog posts. Please keep it coming!

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Thanks a lot. Don’t worry, there’s more coming.

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