May 13Liked by Publius Americus

There will never be peace. There never has been, I commend you for the idea, and as a granddaughter of a modern day Templar who even had it on his license plate I think we all know that a crusade to the extent of what you posit will bring about Armageddon. What is it in Revelation about crying peace but there will never be any until Messiah comes. Just something to consider. The loss of life would be devastating and fracture the world.

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Yeah, such a result cannot be ruled out.

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Muslims do not worship the God of Abraham. Anyone who rejects the Som rejects the Father as well. And their religion is based on unbiblical myths and perversions of history, inspired by the devil

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Good luck telling them that.

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I'm amazed, you're really thinking out of the box. Sadly, the future is already written:


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