Jun 30Liked by Publius Americus

Vox is interesting in that he has been around forever and seems to be doing fine. I thought when he fully embraced QAnon and started having food fights with everyone it was all downhill.

He seems to have learned and recovered, which is nice to see in a realm of flameouts.

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My recollection of his Q-ing was that he always left himself rhetorical lines of retreat. Often he straight up called Q a psyop and justified it on those lines. So he has an instinct for survival.

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'Separating Art from Artist isn’t a hard sell, but separating Philosopher from Philosophy is. If you can have good philosophy and a miserable existence, well, of what value is the good philosophy?'

But then again, as you say elsewhere:

'I learned my lessons well after they could do me any good'

Same applies to Nietzsche maybe

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Well played.

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It's hard not to notice that a lot of taxonomies (especially online) seem to devolve into "A is good thing, B is bad thing" and things are A or B depending on what the author thinks of it in the moment.

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“Some people don’t want to admit it because the illusion was profitable to them, or dispensing with the illusion painful.”

I cling to this notion over the alternative of “I’m surrounded by weapons grade retards.” It is somehow less discomforting.

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