19 hrs agoLiked by Publius Americus

The lucidity and coherence of your thoughts are going to land you an express ticket to the reeducation camps. You can't just be going around, explaining shit in terms that regular people understand. 'Splainin is for experts, and they have their special 'Splainin Language that makes sure no one comprehends anything, ever.

Snark aside, where would you situate drafting, as a profession?

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My instinct is to say drafting is a kind of artisanship, but I will have to ponder it.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Publius Americus

I like where you are going with this. Can't wait to read Yeoman. 👏👏🔥

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Sep 27Liked by Publius Americus

Very thoughtful piece. Workers often want to leave a legacy for their offspring as well.

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Generational wealth can be very important, as is a tradition that carries forward.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Publius Americus

Writing like this is important because I feel it generates the idea of what we want moving forward. The current elites have abandoned any sense of reciprocity. They want it all and they want it now. Compromise is such a powerful principle but it requires humility and our elites lack this. There are hints that a new elite might arise from guys like Elon but even he embraces the transhumanism nonsense.

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The Bourgeoisie need to back tf up.

So does the Clerisy, in case any Marxists are listening.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Publius Americus

Indeed. There is a disconnect in the AWFL/shitlib male from reality. I'm a part of the skilled labor crowd. Working in Baltimore, I have been subject to the Bourgeois attitude. They're down for the "struggle" until it really matters or effects their way of life. It's always fun to see where the police actually work.

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